
Eurobarometer on Water shows Europeans support stronger EU action on water.

Flash Eurobarometer on Water shows that most Europeans realise the seriousness of water-related problems and support stronger EU action.

The survey shows that almost 75% of Europeans consider that the EU should propose additional measures to address water problems in Europe with the main focus of such measures on water pollution from industry and agriculture. As many as 68% of the population recognise that water-related problems are serious and worry equally about water quantity and quality. EU citizens view droughts, floods and chemical pollution as significant challenges and cite chemical polution as the biggest threat to water resources. Citizens wish to do more to protect water resources and view awareness-raising as the most effective means of reducing water-related problems. But to tackle the water issues, Europeans also ask for the introduction of heavier fines for polluters, a fairer pricing policy or financial incentives (tax breaks or subsidies). A majority support water pricing based on volumetric use, and agree that prices should increase as the environmental impact grows.
